Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I Love Life!

Ask Glen

Daily Inspiration

I love life! I’m not sure what it’s all about and I certainly don’t claim to have all the answers, but I do know that I appreciate the opportunity to experience it. Sure it has its warts, disappointments and heartaches and I certainly know that illness and injury can steal that love from the hearts of some people, but nonetheless, what an incredible journey life is. I see too many people wasting this precious opportunity so I want to encourage you to focus on the wonder of your life.

Now I know that some of you face incredible challenges and may have already turned a deaf ear to my message today. If so, please do reconsider listening because it’s primarily for you that I’m writing this. No matter what the circumstances are in your world, take a moment today to appreciate what you have. No matter how bad things seem at the moment, there is always good to be found if one looks hard enough. Those who can balance the bad with the good are the ones that find peace of mind and love of life. And finding that balance often takes a mindful and purposeful effort! So take some time today to take stock of your life and make a real effort to look for the good. It’s right there in front of you if you look for it, and seeing it will improve your mood and help you appreciate this wonderful opportunity you have called life.

Wishing You Great Health,

Glen Edward Mitchell

Got a question? Ask Glen

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About Me

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Lawrenceville, Georgia, United States
Is the Founder of Fitness Builders 4 Life,the WorkOut GEM,G350,G180, G90, Eat 4 Life, Clean, Lean & Mean & Ask Glen. The mission of the Fitness Builders is to provide the community with health education and to empower people to change unhealthy lifestyles thereby increasing life expectancy. By educating the community on healthier lifestyle practices it is the intent of Fitness Builders to reduce the ravages of obesity, heart disease, cancer and other lifestyle or self inflicted diseases. Glen is also a AMA Certified Nutrition Specialist and a ACE, ACSM, NASM Certified Personal Trainer has 30+ years in Sports, Exercise Science and Nutritional Food Management, Learning and Mentoring Men and Women on a more Mental & Physical Healthy Life Style consisting of a low fat, low salt, Low carbohydrate, high protein, organic nutrition which also includes moderate exercise and mental awareness. Stay Informed, Live long and be Mentally and Physically Healthy! Any questions? Ask Glen!

Any Questions? Ask Glen!
