Saturday, October 1, 2011

Best Treats for People with Diabetes

Ask Glen!

Q. Glen, What can I eat as a TREAT this summer since I have Diabetes?

A.Diabetes is not caused by eating sugar, and if you have diabetes it doesn't mean that you can never eat sugar again. I'm always a bit saddened when I hear a person with diabetes say, "Oh, I can't eat that. I have diabetes," or "I can't eat that, it has sugar."

The American Diabetes Association's recommendation for sugar is short and sweet: People with diabetes can eat sugar as long as it's integrated into a healthy eating program.

Sugar is carbohydrate. And like all carbohydrate, sugar has four calories per gram. Added sugar in packaged foods comes in many different forms: white sugar (sucrose), brown sugar; fructose (fruit sugar), lactose (milk sugar), dextrose, maltose, honey and even fruit-juice concentrate are all used to sweeten foods.
All forms of sugar are metabolized, or broken down, to their most essential component, glucose, and used for energy by the cells. If you eat too much sugar, or any form of carbohydrate for that matter, you'll store the excess calories as fat.

All people with diabetes need to watch their carbohydrate grams, especially when they need to take insulin to manage their blood sugars. People with diabetes can indulge in a sugary treat just like the rest of us -- not every day, but occasionally. Since artificially sweetened treats have fewer grams of carbohydrate, they can be enjoyed more frequently.

Fruit, the ultimate natural sweet treat, should be part of a healthy meal plan. If you have diabetes, review your meal plan with your diabetes educator, physician or registered dietitian and plan for a sweet snack. Combine snacking with good nutrition and exercise and stay healthy.

Here are 10 of some of the Best Treats for People with Diabetes.
1. Fruit: One of the best sweet treats invented! Fruit is fine for people with diabetes. In fact, the ADA recommends two to three servings daily, depending upon your calorie needs. Some "superfruit" (extra high in antioxidants and vitamins) include all berries (especially blueberries), cantaloupe, kiwi, mango and citrus. Whole fruit is a fine source of fiber, which is important to decrease risk for stroke and heart disease

2. Yogurt: Nonfat, sugar-free yogurt makes a tasty snack or dessert. Enjoy it right out of the container for a snack or as a dip with vegetables. For dessert, serve peach-flavored sugar-free yogurt drizzled on grapefruit and orange sections.

3. Frozen Fruit Slush: Try this recipe from the National Cancer Institute's Eat 5 to 9 a Day program. Makes four servings.

Using a blender, process the following:
3 cups frozen fruit (such as frozen strawberries, blueberries, raspberries or melon)
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 cup fat-free milk or nonfat plain yogurt
Sweeten to taste. One packet of sweetener equals about 2 teaspoons of sugar.

4. Sugar-Free Hot Chocolate: Choose calcium-fortified, sugar-free hot chocolate and satisfy your sweet tooth with the added bonus of the bone-strengthening mineral. Read the label: calories range from 25 per serving to 60; some contain zero trans-fat and others contain one to two grams. Some hot-chocolate mixes are sweetened with NutraSweet and others with Splenda. As for carbs, some have three grams or less; others contain more.

5. Angel Food Cake: This fat-free cake is nutritious served topped with a one-half cup of sliced, fresh strawberries and a dollop of sugar-free nondairy topping. A small piece counts as one serving of bread plus a half serving of fruit.

6. Jell-O: Prepare sugar-free Jell-O in advance. Store covered in the refrigerator. Eat all you want without worry. Jell-O doesn't have calories or carbohydrates. Mix with fruit cocktail for a special treat. A half cup of fruit cocktail packed in water (not syrup) counts as one serving of fruit.
7. Hard Candies: Sugar-free hard candies are a personal favorite of mine. I often hanker for a sweet after meals, and sugar-free candies (usually sweetened with sorbital) have about 35 to 50 calories per three to four pieces.

8. Ice Cream: Your local grocery store stocks a wide variety of sugar-free, fat-free ice cream, ice milk and frozen yogurt. Read the labels and choose your favorite sugar-free and fat-free version for the fewest number of calories per serving. I usually opt for portion-controlled fudge pops or frozen fruit bars, also available in sugar-free and fat-free versions.

9. Frozen Fresh Fruit: Wrap small, ripe bananas in plastic. Freeze, then peel and eat like a frozen fruit bar (one per serving). Seedless grapes are wonderful frozen treats (12 to 15 grapes count as one serving of fruit).

10. Chocolate: Sometimes you just want a taste of the "real thing." Dark chocolate, with more antioxidants and less saturated fat, is the best. Hershey's, among other manufacturers, offers dark chocolate in both sugar-free and regular varieties with only a 40-calorie difference per serving. Both have the same amount of fat and cholesterol; sugar-free has 170 calories and zero grams of sugar per serving vs. 210 and 20 grams of sugar for the regular. The fine print on the label tells consumers that sugar-free chocolate is not calorie-free, and that the sweetener in sugar-free chocolate, lactitol, can have a laxative effect when eaten in excess.
Bottom Line. Watch your sugar intake and eat sensibly.

Any personal health questions or problems mental or physical or before starting any diet or exercise program. Please consult your physician !

My mission is to provide you with "Trusted Advice for a Healthier Life."

Yours in good health

Any questions?
Ask Glen!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Consistency Eventually Leads to Breakthroughs!

Ask Glen!

Q. Glen, I work on my goal most of the time, when will I see results?

A.Consistency, is so important to the Clean, Lean & Mean System,( A WorkOut GEM Program) is something our society often overlooks. People are so focused on wanting things now that they aren't willing to spend the time consistently doing small things over time. This attitude results in loads of stress and lost opportunities.

Here's how you can reap the benefits of consistently doing small things:

First, pick small goals that can be somewhat easily integrated into your normal daily schedule.

Examples include:

  • 10 minute workout in the morning
  • Taking fruits and vegetables to work (packs of raisins, an apple, or a bag of carrots)
  • Giving yourself small breaks throughout the day to relax or meditate
  • Working on a new skill for a certain amount of time each week
Next, set specific goals based on these, then write down the goals and track them.

Once you do these steps, consistently setting and achieving goals becomes an upward cycle. As you gain momentum, you will want to continue achieving new goals. One thing to watch out for is losing focus on the goals that built your springboard, which can cause the whole thing to fall apart. Those goals should become good habits.

Consistently building new habits can lead to personal breakthroughs that wouldn't have otherwise happened.

Here's a personal example: I've been really working on my fitness consistency over the past 3 years. I've also set a goal to improve my bench press. Last night I lift weights with a friend at the local gym, I tried to lift 300 pounds ! I failed (it wasn't even that close). Afterwards, we continued to lift for another 20 minutes or so. Instead of being down mentally and exhausted physically from the exercise, I still had energy and still wanted to improve my fitness. Also, I concentrated on improving my technique and wanted to get better. After about 10 minutes, I had a breakthrough in the development of my lifts and my friend immediately noticed I was lifting much better.( 260 ) I started at 135... Now, I'm even more excited about getting out and exercising more. If it hadn't been for consistently achieving smaller goals.
( 135,145,155 etc), I probably wouldn't have had this breakthrough.

These same principles can work for you in all areas of your personal and professional life. Consistency is the key!

Any personal health questions or problems mental or physical or before starting any diet or exercise program. Please consult your physician !

My mission is to provide you with "Trusted Advice for a Healthier Life."

Yours in good health

Any questions?
Ask Glen!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Ask Glen!

Q. Glen, I am Stressed Out What Can I Do?
A. Being stressed out is no fun. Everyone knows that. But what a lot of people don't know is that in addition to making you feel anxious and irritable, stress can also cause physical issues such as headaches, muscle aches, back pain and sleeping problems—things you might not immediately think of as being caused by stress.
The good news is, there are plenty of easy, healthy ways to help you reduce stress and feel better.

Exercise. Go for a run. Take a hike. Swim some laps. Pretty much any type of physical exercise can help bring down your stress levels and improve your overall sense of well-being. And, of course, exercise is just plain good for you. Remember to talk to your doctor before beginning or changing an exercise routine.

Massage. Shiatsu. Deep tissue. Swedish. Or a good old-fashioned back rub. Whatever kind of massage you prefer, it's one of the more enjoyable ways to reduce anxiety.

Yoga. Hitting the yoga mat is another great way to help manage stress. It can also help you tone your muscles, lose weight, increase flexibility and improve balance.

What it means to feel better.
Feeling better is not just about the pills we take. It's about the choices we make every day—whether it's exercising to reduce stress, getting an extra hour of sleep or making healthier food choices.
Any personal health questions or problems mental or physical or before starting any diet or exercise program.

Please consult your physician !
My mission is to provide you with "Trusted Advice for a Healthier Life."
Yours in good health

Any questions?
Ask Glen!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Making Organic Meat More Affordable

Ask Glen!

Q. How can you make Organic meat more affordable?

A. For deals on Organic meats,here are a few tips to keep in mind...

  • Local Farmers Market -- If you are having a hard time finding organic meat at your local grocery stores, you may have better luck at your local farmers market. If you're looking for deals in your area, I would start here.

  • Manager's Special -- Ask the butcher at your grocery store about the mark-down schedule for the organic meats. This has proven to be very helpful for our family. For instance, usually the day before the sell-by date, they may be marking down the meats to half-price! Which leads to my next tip....

  • Find a Deal & Freeze It -- If you are able to find a good deal on organic meat, you may want to stock up, and freeze it for later use.

  • Go Meatless a Few Times a Week -- Our family goes meatless a few times a week, as a way to buy less, but better quality meat.

  • Choose Cuts with Little/No Waste -- Another tip for saving money on organic meat is to only buy what you think you will use, and choose cuts with little or no waste, such as ground beef, skirt steak, or london broil. Whole organic chickens are often much cheaper than buying packages of boneless, skinless chicken breasts.

Any personal health questions or problems mental or physical or before starting any diet or exercise program. Please consult your physician !

My mission is to provide you with "Trusted Advice for a Healthier Life."

Yours in good health

Any questions?

Ask Glen!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Top 4 Signs You Need to Lift More Weight

Ask Glen!

Q. Glen, How Do I know if I need to Lift More Weights?

A. When I was a Personal Trainer and Wellness Coach for a YMCA in New Jersey I overheard a member ask my fellow director to help him adjust his workout regimen. He just “wasn’t getting anywhere” despite being very committed and diligent to his workouts. This was a very normal request from a member so my friend thought nothing about it and scheduled an appointment.

When they finally met, the member brought along with him a thick stack of stapled workout charts, which he had used for the past three years. (As I said, he was diligent, but also highly organized!) The director was shocked, not because of the years of detail, but because this member had never increased the weight or number of repetitions he lifted since his first introduction to the fitness center equipment. For over three years, he had done the same exercises, lifted the same weight, and performed the same number of repetitions day after day.

The fact that he wasn’t seeing results wasn’t entirely his fault, although the reasons were obvious to the director. The member simply did as he was instructed on day one, and no one had taught him the importance of progression in his strength training program. Are you stuck in a strength training rut too? Find out!

4 Signs You Need to Increase Your Resistance
Strength training is about building and maintaining a certain level of strength. You might not be lifting enough weight during one or many of your exercises if:

  1. The current weight you are lifting isn’t a challenge. Strength training is meant to be challenging, because the whole point is to “overload” your muscles so they get stronger. If the weight you are lifting isn’t as challenging as it used to be (or isn’t challenging at all!), then it is time to increase the resistance.

  2. You could go forever. Each strength training exercise you do should cause you to feel muscle “fatigue” within 15 repetitions (or fewer). Muscle fatigue feels like you couldn’t possibly do another repetition in good form. If you can do more than 15 reps in good form, or if you literally feel like you could go on forever because the resistance you’re using is so easy, then it’s time to take it up a notch.

  3. You have never increased the weight you lift. When you first started strength training, then the weight you lifted was a starting weight. Continuing to progress in strength training is essential to getting the most out of your workouts—that means lifting more weight as you get stronger over time.

  4. The progress has come to a stop. Without making your muscles work harder than they’re accustomed to, they won’t get stronger. As you train, your muscles will grow stronger in order to meet the demands you are placing on them. So if you keep offering them the same workload, they will keep working the same amount, and progression comes to a grinding halt.
Recognize if you are experiencing any of the 4 signs above, taking time to pay attention to the level of difficulty and challenge of each of your exercises during your workouts. If you experience any of these signs (or if it sounds like I have been watching you workout based on what you read), then it is time to increase the resistance! Use the 3-step process below to do it safely and effectively.

How to Increase Your Resistance

Step 1: Increase the resistance by no more than 10%. For example, if you’re currently lifting 50 pounds, you’d increase that by 5 pounds (10% of 50 pounds = 5 pounds) to lift 55 pounds. This should automatically feel more challenging to you, but even if it’s not noticeably more difficult, 10% is a pretty safe place to start. Increasing the weight more than 10% at a time increases the likelihood of injury, so progress slowly. Tip: When using free weights and machines, an exact 10% increase isn’t always possible (sometimes 10% results in weird fractions or levels of weight that don’t exist at the gym). In those cases, round down to the closest weight available instead of rounding up to the closest weight.

Step 2: With your newly adjusted weight, aim for 1-3 sets of 8-15 repetitions. With your 10% increase, you’ll be working harder than usual.

Step 3: Once you can complete 2-3 sets of 15 reps in good form, whether it takes you just a few workouts or even a few months, it’s time to go back to Step 1 and increase your weight by 10% again.

A Note on Reps and Sets
Remember that the goal in strength training is first and foremost to fatigue the muscles. Completing the exact number of reps is secondary, but all too often people become too focused on reaching a certain number of reps without paying attention to the weight itself or how it feels. Instead of absolutes (i.e. 10 reps), give yourself a range to work with (i.e. 8-15 reps). This way you can choose a weight that allows you to do “at least” a minimum number of reps (a sign that the weight isn’t too challenging) and “no more” than a maximum number of reps (a sign that the weight isn’t too easy). As long as you reach fatigue (but keep good form) within that range of repetitions, you’re doing great.

Lastly, accept the fact that you will have good days and bad days. Sometimes you will feel like the Incredible Hulk, where the weight you lift is light as a feather, and other days you will feel like Pee Wee Herman, when what was easy two days ago feels like a ton today! Take it as it comes and adjust accordingly. Commit yourself to work hard when it is time to workout and you won’t regret that time well spent.

Any personal health questions or problems mental or physical or before starting any diet or exercise program. Please consult your physician !

My mission is to provide you with "Trusted Advice for a Healthier Life."

Yours in good health

Any questions?

Ask Glen!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sticking with a Fitness Plan

Ask Glen!

Q. Glen, How Can I Stick To a Fitness Schedule?

A. Are you the type to set your alarm in the morning when you plan on working out, but never quite make it? Or are you the one who packs a gym bag, but are so exhausted by the end of the day that you drive right by the gym on your way home?

Do these routines sound familiar? For many of us, we go through this for a few days then we just give up altogether. If we're lucky, we were motivated enough to start a routine, but couldn't keep going with it. How do you make sure you stick with it?
The WorkOut GEM's Chief Fitness Pro, Glen Edward Mitchell makes it simple. His first suggestion is not to start off going all out. Take small steps. Placing too much pressure on yourself can be overwhelming and become a reason for failure.
There is no magical solution to making sure you get your exercise in every day. Everyone's schedule and lifestyle is different. But Glen offers five keys to assuring your success.
1. Consistency is the key. As mentioned above, start out light. Commit to two workouts per week. It doesn't seem as demanding so you won't start making excuses not to go. Two days a week adds up in a year. Plus, if you start feeling stronger and healthier, you may want to go more often anyway.
2. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to perform all your exercises at once. Break it up throughout the day if you can't find one lump sum of time to get everything in. Go for two 10 minute walks a day -- one before or after work and one at lunch. That's 20 minutes of exercise everyday that you didn't really have to think about.
3. Set your alarm earlier than you usually would to get up and go workout. There's no need to rush. Set your workout clothes next to your bed. When your alarm goes off and you wake up, get motivated by looking at your running shoes. Commit to three power walks a week.
4. Visualize what you want your body to look like. Don't take more than a minute or two, but imagine how your hard work of committing to a fitness routine will turn out. Positive thinking can be an excellent motivator.
5. Hire a personal trainer. If you're committing to a fitness routine when someone else (and money) is involved, you may think twice about making excuses not to go. Not only will you learn from the experience, but it will give you that push you needed. After you feel comfortable without a trainer, you've already established that routine of exercising so many times a week. And by then, you'll be feeling too good to stop going.
Keeping a balanced lifestyle is the main factor of a healthy life. Eating right and exercising are two main components. Committing to and following through with a regular exercise regimen will make it all the more easy to eat better and feel better.
There's no doubt motivation is hard to come by. Career, family and many other responsibilities add up and exercise is usually one of the first commitments to get the boot. But that's the worst to give up. All the stress build-up from a typical busy day needs some sort of outlet and exercise is best.
Challenge yourself. Choose a week you know you don't have too many prior obligations and workout a couple times. Really take in how much better you feel while you're exercising and when you're done. Use that as your motivation to continue pushing yourself to find the time and energy to get fit. You'll feel more energetic just after a few weeks or sooner. Trust me, you'll start looking forward to exercising. You won't feel complete in your day without it
Any personal health questions or problems mental or physical or before starting any diet or exercise program. Please consult your physician !

My mission is to provide you with "Trusted Advice for a Healthier Life."

Yours in good health

Any questions?

Ask Glen!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Diet Mistakes

Ask Glen!

Q. Glen, I am on a Diet , Eating Healthy and still not losing weight! Am I doing anything wrong?

A. If you are dieting and not losing weight? More than likely, some common diet mistakes are tripping you up.

The truth, experts say, is that even when you're "on a diet," you may be eating a lot more calories than you think. There's often a disconnect between what we know we should do to lose weight, and what we actually do while trying to diet.
For starters, stop thinking about dieting. Instead, take a look at those everyday habits that could be causing weight gain. Going on a diet can create an obsession with food, heighten cravings, and lead to a "throw-in-the-towel-because-diets-don’t-work" mentality.
You might not realize just how quickly calories can add up. An extra tablespoon of salad dressing can add 75-100 calories, an extra tablespoon of butter adds 102 calories, and that 1-ounce bag of chips with your sandwich at lunch adds 162 calories. Eating while cooking, starting each day with a high-calorie coffee drink, finishing off the kids' plates at dinner, or having one too many glasses of wine -- these are just a few of the sneaky habits that sabotage weight loss efforts.
Yet as quickly as calories can add up, they can be subtracted. Becoming mindful of your diet mistakes -- the subtle ways that calories sneak into your diet throughout the day – can add up to real weight loss.
Check out my list of common diet mistakes people make, and see if any sound familiar to you.
Here are 6 Reasons You're Not Losing Weight

Diet Mistake No. 1: Racing to the Finish

There's no reward for finishing your meal in record time -- unless you're a contestant in a hot dog eating contest! Our hectic schedules have led many of us to adopt the unhealthy habit of rapid eating.
"We need to adopt more of the leisurely, European-style eating so that we can savor our food, taste every bite, and get the signal of fullness before overeating," says the American Dietetic Association.

Diet Mistake No. 2: Skipping Meals

Research shows that breakfast skippers weigh more than breakfast eaters. There is a misconception that skipping breakfast -- or any meal -- saves calories. The truth is that most people who eat fewer than three meals usually end up eating more calories during the course of the day.
Strive for three meals a day & three small snacks. Always start your day with a healthy breakfast, but be careful to choose wisely.
"Even a low-fat muffin can have as many as 400 calories and 5 grams fat"
A healthy breakfast should contain both protein and fiber. An egg, a piece of whole-wheat toast, and half a grapefruit has only 250 calories and will keep you feeling full until lunch.

Diet Mistake No. 3: Too Many Liquid Calories

Liquid calories from alcohol, smoothies, coffee with cream and sugar, sweetened juices, teas, and sodas can really contribute to weight gain. One recent study found that Americans get approximately 21% of their calories from beverages.
"When you drink beverages, you don’t tend to compensate by eating less because most beverages satisfy thirst and don’t impact hunger,"
Switch from calorie-laden beverages to water, club soda, skim milk, vegetable juices, and small portions of 100% fruit juice. If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation, and choose lighter drink options.
Here are some calorie counts for common beverages:
  • 12-ounce light beer: 110 calories
  • 12-ounce regular beer: 160 calories
  • 8-ounce coffee with cream and sugar: 30 calories
  • 5 ounces of wine: 120-130 calories
  • 6-ounce wine spritzer: 80 calories
  • 16-ounce sweetened tea: 160 calories
  • 12-ounce diet soda: 0 calories
  • 12-ounce soda: 150 calories
  • 20-ounce smoothie: 410 calories

Diet Mistake No. 4: Oversized Portions

"We have gotten used to huge portions at restaurants so when we are at home, we serve up the same size and think it is normal,"
Experts suggest a few tricks to help you trim your portions:
  • Leave a few bites on your plate.
  • Use smaller plates and bowls.
  • Periodically check your portions with measuring cups.

Diet Mistake No. 5: Choosing Unhealthy Add-Ons

Not only have portions crept up in size, we also have a tendency to top off our "diet" salads and other favorite foods with high-fat toppings, like bacon, cheese, croutons, and creamy dressings.
And, at fast-food restaurants, "grilled chicken and salads are not always better than a burger," all depends on the size and the toppings."
For example, the Burger King Tendergrill sandwich with honey mustard dressing has 450 calories while their Whopper Jr., with mustard instead of mayo, has only 290 calories. At McDonald’s, the Caesar salad with crispy chicken and creamy dressing totals 490 calories, while a Quarter Pounder weighs in at 410 calories.

Diet Mistake No. 6: Mindless Eating

"Eating amnesia" is the act of unknowingly putting hand to mouth, usually from a bag or box in front of the television, while reading a book. It can also happen at happy hour, or when you finish the last few bites on your child's plate.
"Resist the temptation to clean yours or anyone else’s plate," "Think about your waistline instead of the food waste."
Consider the calories in small portions of some of our favorite snacks, and see how quickly they can add up when portions are multiplied:
  • 1 Twinkie: 150 calories
  • 12 peanut M&Ms: 125 calories
  • 1 ounce of French fries: 88 calories
  • 1.5 donut holes: 100 calories
  • 3 Hershey kisses: 75 calories
  • 3 Oreo cookies:160 calories
  • 15 tortilla chips: 142 calories
  • 20 potato chips: 162 calories
And how can you kick the mindless eating habit?
"First, try to get out of the habit of always eating something while you are sitting and relaxing," "Try a cup of tea, glass of water, or chew a piece of sugarless gum. If you want a snack, portion it out of the bag or container.

Any personal health questions or problems mental or physical or before starting any diet or exercise program. Please consult your physician !

My mission is to provide you with "Trusted Advice for a Healthier Life."

Yours in good health

Any questions?

Ask Glen!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Blast Fat in 20 Minutes

Ask Glen!

Q. Glen, I love the Elliptical, Do you have a routine the will Blast the Fat?

A. Tone your entire body and torch more than 200 calories with this speedy routine.

Your mission

Turn the elliptical into a total-body firmer. You know you burn more calories when you use your arms during cardio, but sometimes letting your arms rest makes other parts of your body work harder, which is exactly what happens in this routine. During every recovery period, you’ll jog without holding the arm levers, which forces your core muscles to engage to keep you balanced, says Glen Edward Mitchell, owner of The WorkOut GEM, a personal-training studio in Lawrenceville, Georgia, who created this routine. Then you’ll grab the levers, which makes you more stable and gives you extra leverage—key for the high-intensity intervals you’ll be doing. If you’re not crunched for time, repeat this plan and blast double the calories.

How it works

During the first 5 minutes, pump your arms forward and back, as if you were running. Then grab the levers and increase the level and incline. Let go of the levers again whenever you decrease the level to 1 or 2. Adjust the incline and the level throughout the workout to meet the rate of perceived exertion (RPE*). Cool down, then try the must-do move.
your workout plan
Time (minutes)
RPE* (1–10)
workout intensity moderate to high machine needed an elliptical with moving handles and an adjustable level and incline total time 20 minutes calories burned 234**

Any personal health questions or problems mental or physical or before starting any diet or exercise program. Please consult your physician !

My mission is to provide you with "Trusted Advice for a Healthier Life."

Yours in good health

Any questions?

Ask Glen!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Flush Out Your GI Tract -- Naturally

Ask Glen!

Q. Glen, I cant seem to have a regular Bowel movement! I am always constipated. Any suggestions?

A. Constipation may be more than simply uncomfortable. According to the National Institutes of Health, it may be a symptom of more serious health conditions, including the second-leading cause of cancer death in the U.S.: colon cancer. It's important to take constipation seriously and treat it correctly.

The most common recommendations for constipation are to take laxatives and/or to increase fiber and water intake. Laxatives are for short-term relief only, as long-term use can become habit-forming. Turning to increased fiber and water is preferable, but studies have shown that this is often not effective for alleviating constipation and can sometimes create other problems, such as gas and bloating. So what can you do?
Constipation occurs primarily because of decreased peristalsis, the muscular movement of the intestines that promotes digested food through the GI tract. But what causes decreased peristalsis? Decreased bulk in the stool, for one thing. (That's what fiber and water are supposed to do - increase bulk.) But there are other factors that influence peristalsis.
Beneficial gut flora, also known as probiotics, are the helpful bacteria in human intestines that:
  • Help digest foods.
  • Manufacture vitamins, like biotin and vitamin K.
  • Interfere with disease-promoting bacteria.
  • Prevent immune system changes that lead to allergies and auto-immunity.
  • Help absorption of nutrients.
They also produce organic acids like lactic acid that in turn help stimulate peristalsis. So making sure you have enough gut flora is crucial for many reasons, but it can also help prevent constipation.
Gut flora can be wiped out in the intestines by a number of factors. Antibiotics, corticosteroids, H2 blockers, and oral contraceptives are known to deplete them. So do some lifestyle factors like high stress, increased intake of refined sugars and excessive alcohol intake. So, to keep a good supply we have to get them in adequate quantities through diet or supplements.
Yogurt contains beneficial flora in low amounts, but usually they are not human strains so they may or may not live in human intestines. Supplementing with a good human-strain probiotic product is far better to ensure you are getting enough. We need billions of these bacteria, so I recommend capsules or powders with at least a 15 billion bacteria count per daily dose.
Magnesium is also extremely important. It helps relax the smooth muscle tissue in intestines that is responsible for peristalsis, so it is absolutely critical for keeping bowels moving regularly. The best-absorbed forms are magnesium taurate, citrate, malate and bisglycinate. I recommend supplementing dietary intake with 400 to 800 mg per day.
A good protocol for constipation is to start by taking probiotics and magnesium. Probiotics can help with digestion of dietary fiber and so help people to tolerate it better. And magnesium starts to relax the intestinal muscles. Together with the increased fiber and water, we almost never need to turn to laxatives.
Any personal health questions or problems mental or physical or before starting any diet or exercise program. Please consult your physician !

Yours in Great Health!

Any questions? Ask Glen!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Why Belly Fat Hurts the Heart

Ask Glen!

Q. Glen, Is the Fat around my Belly harmful to my Heart?A. Belly Fat, Also Called Visceral Fat, Boosts Inflammation and Atherosclerosis, Say Scientists Studying Mice

Belly fat tucked deep inside your waistline may be worse for your arteries than fat padding the rest of your body.

That's according to University of Michigan scientists studying the health risks of abdominal fat, also called visceral fat.
Here's what Miina Ohman, MD, PhD, and colleagues learned from their lab tests in mice:
  • Belly fat appears to boost inflammation.
  • Belly fat is linked to worse atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), which makes heart attacks more likely.
In those tests, some mice got a transplant of visceral fat. Other mice got a transplant of subcutaneous fat (which sits directly under the skin, not deep in the belly) or no fat transplant.
The bottom line: Visceral fat brought the most inflammation and the worst atherosclerosis.
After visceral fat transplantation, mice developed less severe atherosclerosis if their chow was laced with the diabetes drug Actos for 10 weeks. But Actos didn't affect atherosclerosis in other mice, and the researchers aren't ready to recommend any drugs for visceral fat.
Don't disregard the study, published online in Circulation, just because the tests were done in mice. Other studies have linked belly fat to health risks in people.
Belly fat does budge, but it takes work. Researchers have found that exercise is a must to get rid of belly fat.
Resource: Web MD

Any personal health questions or problems mental or physical or before starting any diet or exercise program. Please consult your physician !

My mission is to provide you with "Trusted Advice for a Healthier Life."

Yours in good health

Any questions?
Ask Glen!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Perfect Body Weight

Waist Circumference. To measure your waist circumference, place a tape measure around your body at the level of your navel. Your waist circumference is an indirect indicator of intraabdominal fat tissue, often called visceral fat. If your BMI is greater than or equal to 25 kg/m2, your goal for waist circumference is less than 40 inches if you're a man and less than 35 inches if you're a woman. A large waist circumference is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease due to excess abdominal fat.
Body Mass Index (BMI). This measurement assesses your body weight relative to your height. It's a useful way of measuring body composition because it correlates highly with body fat in most people. To calculate your exact BMI value, multiply your weight in pounds by 703, divide by your height in inches, then divide again by your height in inches. For adults, a body mass index:
  • Over 40 is defined as extremely obese.
  • Over 30 is considered obese. People with BMIs of 30 or more are at higher risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight. People with BMIs in this range have an increased risk of heart and blood vessel disease.
  • Between 18.5 and 24.9 is considered a healthy BMI.
  • Under 18.5 is consider underweight.
Some people with dense muscle mass may have a high BMI score but very little body fat. For them, it may be more accurate to choose waist circumference or another direct method to measure body fat.
Being overweight or obese also increases your risk of dying from cancer, according to the American Cancer Society. In a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers determined that overweight and obesity may account for 20 percent of all cancer deaths in U.S. women and 14 percent in U.S. men. Their work also supported previous studies that linked overweight and obesity to cancers of the uterus, kidney, esophagus, gallbladder, colon and rectum, and breast (in postmenopausal women). The researchers also found that many types of cancer that were not previously linked to obesity were, in fact, affected by excess body weight. Those included cancers of the liver, pancreas, prostate, cervix, ovary, and stomach (in men), as well as non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and multiple myeloma.
To maintain a healthy body composition, the American Cancer Society is recommends balancing calorie intake with physical activity by eating at least five servings of fruit and vegetables every day, choosing whole grains over processed grains, and limiting red meat. Individuals should engage in at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity five days a week or more.
American Heart Association
American Cancer Society

Any personal health questions or problems mental or physical or before starting any diet or exercise program. Please consult your physician !
My mission is to provide you with "Trusted Advice for a Healthier Life."
Yours in good health
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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

13 Foods That Kill

Ask Glen!

Q. Glen, Are there any Foods that I should be aware of that are unhealthy?

A.Yes Beware ! Here are 13 Foods that Kill...

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 76 million Americans will suffer from food-borne illnesses, and at least 5,000 will die this year. Children, the elderly and those with compromised immune systems are at the greatest risk.

Simple tips for safer eating

1. Lettuce: Because it is grown so close to the ground, it can come into contact with manure or irrigation runoff. When you buy lettuce, you should first discard the outer leaves, then separate the inner leaves and thoroughly wash them. All raw fruits and vegetables can harbor disease-causing bacteria. Thoroughly wash any raw produce under cold running water before eating it. If appropriate, use a small scrub brush to remove any visible dirt. This is true for even organic fruits and vegetables.

2. Water: Contaminated water can be a major source of trouble, especially for those drinking from private wells or streams. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends private-water supplies be tested at least once a year for nitrates, total dissolved solids and coliform bacteria, the presence of which (although generally harmless) may indicate other contamination. You may need to test more frequently and for more potential contaminants if a problem is suspected. In some places, people who get their water from a public utility receive a yearly consumer confidence report that analyzes the water. Read it.

3. Raw sprouts: Alfalfa sprouts, clover sprouts and radish sprouts have all been associated with salmonella and E. coli. Cook sprouts thoroughly to kill off the bacteria.

4. Unpasteurized juices, milks or cheeses: Make sure you always purchase the pasteurized versions of your favorite products. Pasteurization kills bacteria. When you go to a juice bar, make sure the juices are pasteurized. Unpasteurized products have been linked to salmonella, E. coli and Listeria -- all can lead to death.

5. Moldy peanuts: Aflatoxins are by-products of common, naturally occurring mold growth on certain agricultural products such as peanuts, wheat, cereals and corn. Alfatoxins have been found to cause liver cancer in animal species. Check carefully for any sign of discoloration or mold.

6. Raw or undercooked shellfish: Shellfish, such as clams and oysters, must be cooked thoroughly. Consuming raw or undercooked animal protein can increase the potential for illness.

7. Swordfish, shark, king mackerel and tilefish: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and EPA advise young children, women who are planning to become pregnant, and pregnant or nursing women not to eat these fish. Swordfish, shark, king mackerel and tilefish have much higher levels of methyl mercury than other commonly consumed fish. Mercury is most harmful to the developing brains of unborn children and young children, affecting cognitive, motor and sensory functions.

8. Caesar salad: Many restaurant or homemade recipes call for raw eggs in Caesar salad. Always ask if the salad dressing contains raw eggs.

9. Wild mushrooms: Portabello and shiitake lovers have no reason to worry. Just don't go scavenging in your backyard. Only eat mushrooms you've purchased in the grocery store. A few common species of mushrooms are poisonous... deadly poisonous.

10. Raw homemade cookie dough. We're not talking about the prepackaged kind that many of us prefer to nibble on straight from the tube or tub. We're talking about homemade batter that's made with eggs. Raw eggs can be contaminated with salmonella, a food-borne illness that can prove fatal if untreated.

11. Rare hamburger. Hamburger and other ground meat should be cooked to at least 160 degrees Fahrenheit to prevent E. coli. Always use a food thermometer to ensure you've cooked the beef to a safe temperature.

12. Turkey and stuffing. Cooking stuffing in a turkey or chicken is a major no-no. The bird cooks both from the outside and the inside. When you stuff the bird, it reduces the heat penetration. Your best bet is to cook the turkey and stuffing separately. If you choose to cook them together, make sure the temperature reaches at least 180 degrees Fahrenheit in the innermost part of the thigh while the center of the stuffing inside the turkey reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit. Bacteria can survive in stuffing that hasn't reached that temperature.

13. Shakes and eggs. A popular favorite these days is protein shakes. Unfortunately, they can do more harm than good when raw eggs are added to the mix. Once again, you're putting yourself at risk for salmonella when you consume raw eggs. Also, beware of sunny side up or runny eggs. The rule of thumb is to cook the egg until both the yolk and the white are firm.

Bottom Line! When eating healthy Know that you are eating healthy!!!!!!

Any personal health questions or problems mental or physical or before starting any diet or exercise program. Please consult your physician !

My mission is to provide you with "Trusted Advice for a Healthier Life."

Yours in good health

Any questions?

Ask Glen!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Fish Oil, Red Yeast Rice Cut Cholesterol

Ask Glen!

Q. Glen, Can Supplements Like Fish oil Help High Cholesterol? Are they better then Statins?

A.Here is what I found on WebMD! Supplements, Lifestyle Change Work as Well as Cholesterol-Lowering Medications

Supplements of fish oil and red yeast rice, coupled with lifestyle changes in diet and exercise habits, can reduce cholesterol as much as standard cholesterol-lowering medications known as statins, according to a new study.
But the study's lead author, David J. Becker, MD, a cardiologist at Chestnut Hill Hospital and the University of Pennsylvania Health System, emphasizes that the alternative approach is not for everyone.
"Statins remain the primary and best treatment for people with high cholesterol, especially if you have known coronary disease," Becker tells WebMD. The study evaluated only people with high cholesterol who did not yet have coronary disease.
"If you are someone dead set against taking a statin, this may be an attractive option, assuming you are willing to make the lifestyle changes," Becker says.
"This is one of the first studies that has shown there is some promise here," he says, referring to the alternative approach with supplements instead of statins.
Finding alternatives to medication for lowering cholesterol is important, he says, because studies show as many as 40% of people who get a statin prescription are believed to take it for less than a year.

Supplements vs. Statins: Study Details

Becker and his colleagues studied 74 people with high cholesterol. Half took the statin drug Zocor and the other half took fish oil and red yeast rice supplements. They were followed for 12 weeks.
Red yeast rice is the product of yeast grown on rice and includes several compounds that hinder production of cholesterol in the body. Fish oil has been shown to lower the blood fats known as triglycerides. The study was funded by the state of Pennsylvania and is published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings.
The medication group took 40 milligrams of Zocor daily and received traditional counseling in the form of handouts on diet and exercise.
The supplement group took three fish oil capsules twice daily. In addition, those with an LDL cholesterol higher than 160 mg/dL took 3.6 grams of red yeast rice daily, divided into two doses. If the initial LDL level was 160 or less, they took 2.4 grams of red yeast rice daily, divided into two doses.
The supplement group also attended weekly meetings and was taught about lifestyle changes by a cardiologist and a dietitian. The group was urged to follow a modified Mediterranean diet, limiting fat intake to less than 25% of daily total calories, and to exercise for 30 to 45 minutes five to six times a week.

Supplements vs. Statins: Results

"We followed them for a three-month period," Becker says. At the study's end, the levels of bad cholesterol had declined nearly the same amount in both groups. "The LDL declined 42% in the supplement group and 39% in the Zocor group," Becker says.
The supplement group also lost an average of 10 pounds in 12 weeks, but there was no significant weight loss in the medication group. Triglyceride levels, while on average normal in both groups at the start, decreased by 29% in the supplement group but just 9.3% in the medication group -- a significant difference, Becker says.
"This homeopathic, natural approach in a group of people who do not have known coronary disease and who can make these kinds of exacting lifestyle changes may be worth exploring in longer and better studies," Becker tells WebMD.

Supplements vs. Statins: Second Opinion

The study results don't surprise Robert Eckel, MD, former president of the American Heart Association and a professor of medicine at the University of Colorado at Denver. The red yeast rice, he tells WebMD, works in much the same way as a statin.
"Fish oils don't affect LDL cholesterol," he says, but only triglycerides. And the participants' triglyceride levels, on average, were normal, he says, and did not need reduction.
If you are trying to lower cholesterol, he says, the first step is to see a doctor.

Supplements vs. Statins: Downsides & Caveats

Becker sees downsides to supplements over statins.
"The red yeast rice is an unregulated supplement," Becker says. He cites a recent report in which researchers found significant differences in the amount of red yeast rice in different brands of supplements.
In August 2007, the FDA warned against buying or eating specific red yeast rice products (Red Yeast Rice/Policosonal Complex by Swanson Healthcare Products, Inc., and Cholestrix) because they ''may contain an unauthorized drug that could be harmful." FDA testing had detected lovastatin, the active ingredient in Mevacor, a prescription drug for cholesterol lowering.
Red yeast rice sold in the U.S. typically comes in 600 milligram to 1,200 milligram doses, with recommendations of taking no more than 2,400 milligrams (2.4 grams) a day, the lower dose used in the study. Doses higher than this increase the risk of side effects similar to that of statin drugs, including muscle pain or tenderness, and possibly liver damage. Red yeast rice and statins work similarly in the body, so they should not be taken together, as this increases the chance of side effects.
For anyone who wants to try the alternative approach, Becker & Glen recommends talking with their doctor, having all recommended blood tests to make sure the approach is working, and checking for potential side effects.

Glen's Bottom Line! Again be Proactive ! Change your eating habits and Lifestyle Exercise ans SEE YOUR DOCTOR.......!!!!

Any personal health questions or problems mental or physical or before starting any diet or exercise program. Please consult your physician !

My mission is to provide you with "Trusted Advice for a Healthier Life."

Yours in good health

Any questions?

Ask Glen!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Generic vs. Brand-Name Pills

Ask Glen!

Q: I recently went to a new pharmacy to fill my birth control prescription, and they gave me a pack of pills I've never used before. The pharmacist told me it was a generic, and it was the same as the brand name, but when I called my gynecologist, she told me she'd never heard of that generic and that I shouldn't take it. Who's right?

A. By law, the generic form of birth control pills and brand-name birth control pills must be have the same active ingredients, and they must have similar bioavailability (which is the amount of time it takes for the active ingredients to begin working on the body.) The only difference that might exist between generic and brand-name medicines are the inactive ingredients, but these differences are immaterial, unless you should happen to be allergic to one of them. This might have been one of the reasons your gynecologist advised you not to take the pill. Otherwise, a generic birth control pill and a brand-name birth control pill react no differently in your body — so take advantage of the savings whenever you can!
Any personal health questions or problems mental or physical or before starting any diet or exercise program. Please consult your physician !
My mission is to provide you with "Trusted Advice for a Healthier Life
Yours in good health
Any questions?
Ask Glen!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Make Smart Substitutions!

Ask Glen!
Q. Glen, How can I make a smart food choice without sacrificing taste?
A. Trade Up Without the Big Trade Off
Why do so many people regularly eat potato chips and guzzle soda? Taste is partly to blame, but a big reason might be that people don’t have any good replacements. The Spark Diet helps solve this problem with smart substitutions.
Smart substitutions are small (seriously) changes to your diet that can really add up. Did you know that by using one teaspoon of mustard instead of mayonnaise, you save 54 calories? Or that one cup of airpopped popcorn has 100 fewer calories than one cup of buttered popcorn?
Suppose for dinner you want a pasta dish. You could either have fettuccine alfredo or spaghetti with tomato sauce. Both sound good, don’t they? Well guess what – the fettuccine packs 426 more calories! By simply subbing in the spaghetti, you save a bunch of calories and still eat a great tasting meal.
This is the basis for smart substitutions. None of the changes are earth-shattering, but they make your calorie goal a lot easier to reach. Some of them you might even prefer (such as mustard over mayonnaise). You don’t have to sub out every single fatty or high calorie food you eat, but a change here and there can be dynamite.
You’ll be amazed at the difference it can make. Even if you don’t do it all the time, if you make smart food substitutions a habit, you can speed up weight loss without putting yourself in dieter’s prison.
Here are some more suggestions for smart substitutions. Feel free to find your own and incorporate them to your daily diet.

Instead of
  • Regular potato chips
  • Pudding
  • Ice cream
  • Cream
  • Whole milk
  • Nachos w/ the works
  • Chocolate
  • Bagel w/ cream cheese
  • Boiling w/ butter
  • Ground beef
  • Baked potato chips
  • Applesauce
  • Non-fat frozen yogurt
  • Evaporated milk
  • Skim milk
  • Tortilla chips & salsa
  • Cocoa
  • Apple slices w/ peanut butter
  • Boiling w/ chicken broth
  • Ground turkey
Any personal health questions or problems mental or physical or before starting any diet or exercise program. Please consult your physician !
My mission is to provide you with "Trusted Advice for a Healthier Life."
Yours in good health
Any questions?
Ask Glen!

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Lawrenceville, Georgia, United States
Is the Founder of Fitness Builders 4 Life,the WorkOut GEM,G350,G180, G90, Eat 4 Life, Clean, Lean & Mean & Ask Glen. The mission of the Fitness Builders is to provide the community with health education and to empower people to change unhealthy lifestyles thereby increasing life expectancy. By educating the community on healthier lifestyle practices it is the intent of Fitness Builders to reduce the ravages of obesity, heart disease, cancer and other lifestyle or self inflicted diseases. Glen is also a AMA Certified Nutrition Specialist and a ACE, ACSM, NASM Certified Personal Trainer has 30+ years in Sports, Exercise Science and Nutritional Food Management, Learning and Mentoring Men and Women on a more Mental & Physical Healthy Life Style consisting of a low fat, low salt, Low carbohydrate, high protein, organic nutrition which also includes moderate exercise and mental awareness. Stay Informed, Live long and be Mentally and Physically Healthy! Any questions? Ask Glen!

Any Questions? Ask Glen!